Warhammer-Figurines, Pen&Paper Dice do fine for prototyping In this post I will go a little deeper into the mechanics of Radica and try to outline what the actual gameplay might look like. Goal: Reach the Forgotten City Mechanics in order of priority: - Micromanage your pressure - Scavenge for loot - Fight off the Lost during the Night - Manipulate the board to reach the Forgotten City first In the beginning I also had a Network-building-mechanics, kind of like in Settler of Catan, where you could build streets and outposts - but I decided to cut this mechanic for now. I chose these mechanics because 1: I enjoyed these mechanics in other games and 2: They fit the narrative. I wanted to simulate by way of mechanics what the daily life of a Radical might look like - always worrying about pressure, always worrying about the night and the possibility of an attack, always searching for some tech that will give you the upper hand, if just for a short amount of time. T...